Roblox Free Dominus Hat

Sep 20th, 2017

And if you’re looking for the latest Roblox games codes, then don’t miss out on our easy-to-use list of game codes for all popular Roblox games (from A to Z) to get free in-game items. Table of contents 1. Promo codes for free Roblox stuff 2. Promo codes for free Island of Move stuff 3. Free stuff in the Roblox catalog 4. May 26, 2016 - Explore borny2007's board 'Roblox hats' on Pinterest. See more ideas about roblox, create an avatar, hats. Make it appear as if you bought a Dominus Aureus from the catalog.

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  1. local d = false
  2. d = true
  3. larm.Parent = script.Parent
  4. larm.BrickColor ='CGA brown')
  5. larm.CanCollide = false
  6. larm.Transparency = 1
  7. local larm_weld ='Weld')
  8. larm_weld.Part0 = larm
  9. rarm.Parent = script.Parent
  10. rarm.BrickColor ='CGA brown')
  11. rarm.CanCollide = false
  12. rarm.Transparency = 1
  13. local rarm_weld ='Weld')
  14. rarm_weld.Part0 = rarm
  15. lleg.Parent = script.Parent
  16. lleg.BrickColor ='CGA brown')
  17. lleg.CanCollide = false
  18. lleg.Transparency = 1
  19. local lleg_weld ='Weld')
  20. lleg_weld.Part0 = lleg
  21. rleg.Parent = script.Parent
  22. rleg.BrickColor ='CGA brown')
  23. rleg.CanCollide = false
  24. rleg.Transparency = 1
  25. local rleg_weld ='Weld')
  26. rleg_weld.Part0 = rleg
  27. t.Parent = script.Parent
  28. t.BrickColor ='CGA brown')
  29. t.CanCollide = false
  30. t.Transparency = 1
  31. local t_weld ='Weld')
  32. t_weld.Part0 = t
  33. h.Parent = script.Parent
  34. h.BrickColor ='CGA brown')
  35. h.CanCollide = false
  36. h.Transparency = 1
  37. local h_weld ='Weld')
  38. h_weld.Part0 = h
  39. local attachment_0 ='Attachment')
  40. attachment_0.Name = 'Trail Attachment 0'
  41. local attachment_1 ='Attachment')
  42. attachment_1.Name = 'Trail Attachment 1'
  43. trail.Parent = script.Parent.Torso
  44. trail.Attachment1 = attachment_1
  45. trail.Color =,106,0),,0,0))
  46. trail.Enabled = false
  47. script.Parent.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 7500
  48. script.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 32
  49. local mus ='Sound')
  50. mus.Name = 'Music'
  51. mus.Looped = true
  52. mus.Playing = true
  53. dom.Parent = script.Parent.Head
  54. dom.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  55. dom.MeshId = ''
  56. dom.TextureId = ''
  57. local larm ='SpecialMesh')
  58. larm.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  59. larm.MeshId = ''
  60. larm.TextureId = ''
  61. local rarm ='SpecialMesh')
  62. rarm.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  63. rarm.MeshId = ''
  64. rarm.TextureId = ''
  65. local lleg ='SpecialMesh')
  66. lleg.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  67. lleg.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://98332862'
  68. rleg.Parent = script.Parent['Right Leg']
  69. rleg.MeshId = 'rbxassetid://98332630'
  70. local to ='SpecialMesh')
  71. to.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  72. to.MeshId = ''
  73. to.TextureId = ''
  74. name.Parent = script.Parent.Head
  75. name.LightInfluence = 0
  76. name.Adornee = script.Parent.Head
  77. name.Size =,200,0,50)
  78. nameText.Parent = name
  79. nameText.Size =,100,0,20)
  80. nameText.Font = Enum.Font.Antique
  81. nameText.TextScaled = true
  82. d = false
  83. local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  84. anims.Parent = script.Parent
  85. local anim_wave ='Animation')
  86. anim_wave.Parent = anims
  87. anim_wave.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://1057062558'
  88. local h = hit.Parent:findFirstChild('Humanoid')
  89. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent ~= script.Parent then
  90. end
  91. function dmg(hit)
  92. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent ~= script.Parent then
  93. end
  94. function bigdmg(hit)
  95. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent ~= script.Parent then
  96. end
  97. function spherewavetouch(hit)
  98. local wave = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Name.'s Sphere Wave')
  99. if h ~= nil and wave ~= nil and hit.Parent ~= script.Parent then
  100. h.Health = h.Health - math.random(10,30)
  101. end
  102. local h = hit.Parent:findFirstChild('Humanoid')
  103. local wave = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Name.'s Super Sphere Wave')
  104. if h ~= nil and wave ~= nil and hit.Parent ~= script.Parent then
  105. h.Health = h.Health - math.random(20,60)
  106. end
  107. if d false then
  108. local anim = script.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim_wave)
  109. wait(.6)
  110. wave.Parent = game.Workspace
  111. wave.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  112. wave.Anchored = true
  113. wave.CFrame = script.Parent.Torso.CFrame -,1.3,0)
  114. wave.Transparency = .7
  115. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  116. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  117. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  118. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  119. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  120. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  121. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  122. wave.Size = wave.Size +,0,1)
  123. wave.Transparency = .8
  124. wave.Transparency = .9
  125. wave.Parent = nil
  126. end
  127. function flyAndWave()
  128. d = true
  129. t.Anchored = true
  130. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  131. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  132. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  133. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  134. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  135. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  136. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  137. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  138. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  139. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  140. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  141. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  142. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  143. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  144. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  145. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  146. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  147. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  148. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  149. t.CFrame = t.CFrame +,.25,0)
  150. local wave ='Part')
  151. wave.Parent = game.Workspace
  152. wave.Name = script.Parent.Name.'s Sphere Wave'
  153. wave.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
  154. wave.Transparency = .7
  155. wave.CanCollide = false
  156. wait(.1)
  157. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  158. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  159. wait(.1)
  160. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  161. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  162. wait(.1)
  163. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  164. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  165. wait(.1)
  166. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  167. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  168. wait(1)
  169. wait(.1)
  170. wait(.1)
  171. wait(2)
  172. wait(.5)
  173. wave.Touched:connect(spherewavetouch)
  174. wave.Name = script.Parent.Name.'s Sphere Wave'
  175. wave.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
  176. wave.Transparency = .7
  177. wave.CanCollide = false
  178. wait(.1)
  179. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  180. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  181. wait(.1)
  182. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  183. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  184. wait(.1)
  185. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  186. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  187. wait(.1)
  188. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  189. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  190. wait(1)
  191. wait(.1)
  192. wait(.1)
  193. wait(2)
  194. wait(.5)
  195. wave.Touched:connect(spherewavetouch)
  196. wave.Name = script.Parent.Name.'s Sphere Wave'
  197. wave.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
  198. wave.Transparency = .7
  199. wave.CanCollide = false
  200. wait(.1)
  201. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  202. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  203. wait(.1)
  204. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  205. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  206. wait(.1)
  207. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  208. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  209. wait(.1)
  210. wave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  211. wave.Size = wave.Size +,1,1)
  212. wait(1)
  213. wait(.1)
  214. wait(.1)
  215. wait(2)
  216. wait(.5)
  217. swave.Touched:connect(superspherewavetouch)
  218. swave.Name = script.Parent.Name.'s Super Sphere Wave'
  219. swave.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()
  220. swave.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  221. swave.Anchored = true
  222. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  223. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  224. wait(.1)
  225. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  226. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  227. wait(.1)
  228. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  229. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  230. wait(.1)
  231. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  232. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  233. wait(.1)
  234. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  235. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  236. wait(.1)
  237. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  238. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  239. wait(.1)
  240. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  241. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  242. wait(.1)
  243. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  244. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  245. wait(.1)
  246. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  247. swave.Transparency = .8
  248. swave.Transparency = .9
  249. swave.Parent = nil
  250. t.Anchored = false
  251. end
  252. function Explosion()
  253. if d false then
  254. local swave ='Part')
  255. swave.Parent = game.Workspace
  256. swave.Name = script.Parent.Name.'s Super Sphere Wave'
  257. swave.BrickColor ='CGA brown')
  258. swave.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  259. swave.Anchored = true
  260. local ex_sound ='Sound')
  261. ex_sound.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://514867425'
  262. ex_sound.Volume = 1
  263. wait(.02)
  264. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  265. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  266. wait(.02)
  267. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  268. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  269. wait(.02)
  270. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  271. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  272. wait(.02)
  273. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  274. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  275. wait(.02)
  276. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  277. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  278. wait(.02)
  279. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  280. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  281. wait(.02)
  282. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  283. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  284. wait(.02)
  285. swave.CFrame = t.CFrame
  286. swave.Size = swave.Size +,1,1)
  287. d = false
  288. swave.Transparency = .6
  289. swave.Transparency = .8
  290. ex_sound.Parent = nil
  291. end
  292. function ShootFire()
  293. local f_ball ='Part')
  294. f_ball.Parent = game.Workspace
  295. f_ball.CFrame = script.Parent.Torso.CFrame
  296. f_ball.Velocity = f_ball.CFrame.lookVector * 150
  297. f_ball.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
  298. f_ball.BrickColor ='Really red')
  299. local fire_par ='Fire')
  300. local fire_par ='Fire')
  301. local fire_par ='Fire')
  302. local fire_par ='Fire')
  303. end
  304. function SuperFire()
  305. local f_ball ='Part')
  306. f_ball.Parent = game.Workspace
  307. f_ball.Name = script.Parent.Name.'s Super Fireball'
  308. f_ball.Velocity = f_ball.CFrame.lookVector * 450
  309. f_ball.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
  310. f_ball.BrickColor ='Really red')
  311. local fire_par ='Fire')
  312. local fire_par ='Fire')
  313. local fire_par ='Fire')
  314. local fire_par ='Fire')
  315. local fire_par ='Fire')
  316. local fire_par ='Fire')
  317. local fire_par ='Fire')
  318. local fire_par ='Fire')
  319. local fire_par ='Fire')
  320. local fire_par ='Fire')
  321. local fire_par ='Fire')
  322. local fire_par ='Fire')
  323. end
  324. function firerun()
  325. fire_run_enabled = true
  326. if fire_run_enabled true then
  327. end
  328. function Bomb()
  329. d = true
  330. bomb.Parent = game.Workspace
  331. bomb.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
  332. bomb.BrickColor ='Really black')
  333. bomb.Size =,2,2)
  334. d = false
  335. local ex ='Explosion')
  336. ex.Position = bomb.Position
  337. bomb.CanCollide = false
  338. end
  339. key = key:lower()
  340. WaveJump()
  341. if key 't' then
  342. end
  343. Explosion()
  344. if key 'q' then
  345. end
  346. Bomb()
  347. if key 'g' then
  348. end
  349. if fire_run_enabled false then
  350. script.Parent['Fire Head'].Transparency = .7
  351. script.Parent['Fire Left Arm'].Transparency = .7
  352. script.Parent['Fire Right Arm'].Transparency = .7
  353. script.Parent['Fire Left Leg'].Transparency = .7
  354. script.Parent['Fire Right Leg'].Transparency = .7
  355. fire_run_enabled = true
  356. else
  357. script.Parent['Fire Head'].Transparency = 1
  358. script.Parent['Fire Right Arm'].Transparency = 1
  359. script.Parent['Fire Right Leg'].Transparency = 1
  360. fire_run_enabled = false
  361. end
  362. end)

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Category: couponMore Coupons

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Category: AllMore Coupons

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Category: AllMore Coupons

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Category: couponMore Coupons

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Category: couponMore Coupons

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Category: AllMore Coupons

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Category: couponMore Coupons

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