Roblox Jailbreak Hack 2018 March

Fnaf World Songs by GamingWithFire //FireHood published on 2016-02-15T15:07:05Z fnaf sons i like by xXyoloswagmasterXx published on 2016-03-21T23:04:47Z. Users who like THE FLIPSIDE - FNAF WORLD SONG - By Griffinilla And Shadrow; Users who reposted THE FLIPSIDE - FNAF WORLD SONG - By Griffinilla And Shadrow. Five Nights At Freddy's: THE FLIPSIDE After the events of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, the soul of Charlie is left at stray. She wakes up in the Flipside, unable to move on. It is now up to Charlie to know what is keeping her in this place, and maybe make some friends and enemies along the way. Fnaf world demo play now The Flipside is a FNaF World song written by Griffnilla. The song is about The Flipside, a mysterious area in FNaF World you can access to get to new areas in the game. 'The Flipside' Track Info.

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Jun 6th, 2018
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Roblox Jailbreak Hack Noclip 2018 March

  1. local plr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
  2. local TpMethod = 1
  3. function JailbreakTp(..)
  4. end
  5. function TpMethod1(..)
  6. local root = char.HumanoidRootPart
  7. for i=0,1,0.05 do
  8. root.CFrame = root.CFrame:lerp(,1,3)), i)
  9. end
  10. function TpMethod2(..)
  11. local char = plr.Character
  12. local dist = (char:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'.Position - target).magnitude
  13. for i=0,dist * 4 do
  14. char:MoveTo(
  15. if args[#args] true then
  16. char:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'.CFrame =,1,#args - 1))
  17. end
  18. function Tween(obj, t, properties)
  19. local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService')
  20. local tweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0)
  21. local tween = TweenService:Create(obj,tweenInfo,properties)
  22. return tween
  23. if not Tracers[team.Name] then return end
  24. spawn(function()
  25. local l ='SelectionPartLasso')
  26. l.Humanoid = p.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
  27. l.Part = plr.Character:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'
  28. l.Color3 = team.TeamColor.Color
  29. local sg ='SurfaceGui')
  30. sg.Parent = p.Character
  31. sg.Adornee = p.Character:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'
  32. local f ='Frame', sg)
  33. f.BorderSizePixel = 0
  34. f.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  35. end
  36. end
  37. local function RemoveLasso(p)
  38. for i,v in pairs(p.Character:GetDescendants()) do
  39. if v.ClassName:find('Selection') or v.ClassName 'SurfaceGui' then
  40. end
  41. end
  42. for _,team in pairs(game:GetService('Teams'):GetChildren()) do
  43. AddLasso(p,team)
  44. RemoveLasso(p)
  45. end
  46. function ToggleTracers(team, bool)
  47. local t = game:GetService('Teams'):FindFirstChild(team)
  48. for i,v in pairs(t:GetPlayers()) do
  49. AddLasso(v,t)
  50. RemoveLasso(v)
  51. end
  52. if Tracers[tostring(plr.Team)] then
  53. end
  54. plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char)
  55. end)
  56. CharAdded(plr, plr.Character)
  57. end
  58. game:GetService('Players').PlayerAdded:connect(PlrAdded)
  59. for _,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers()) do
  60. end
  61. --Creating Gui--
  62. local function Create(classname)
  63. local ins =
  64. ins[i] = v
  65. return ins
  66. end
  67. --local parent = game:GetService('CoreGui'):WaitForChild('RobloxGui')
  68. Active = true,
  69. Draggable = true,
  70. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  71. Position =,-200,0,-300),
  72. Parent ='ScreenGui', plr.PlayerGui)--parent
  73. do
  74. Parent = main,
  75. BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(85,170,255),
  76. ClipsDescendants = true,
  77. local lb = Create 'TextLabel' {
  78. Size =,0,1,0),
  79. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  80. TextColor3 =,1,1),
  81. Font = 'SourceSansBold',
  82. ZIndex = 2,
  83. local function GTween()
  84. lb:TweenPosition(,10,0,0), nil,nil,3,true,function(ts)
  85. lb.Position =,0 - lb.TextBounds.X - 2,0,0)
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. local Menu = Create 'Frame' {
  90. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  91. Size =,0,1,-50),
  92. }
  93. local MenuLabel = Create 'TextLabel' {
  94. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  95. TextSize = 20,
  96. Text = 'Made by refrfgrtgef for v3rmn(won't tell you my roblox name)',
  97. Size =,0,0,50),
  98. }
  99. local function CreateButton(text,parent)
  100. Active = true,
  101. BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,155,232),
  102. Size =,100,0,30),
  103. TextColor3 =,1,0),
  104. Text = text,
  105. }
  106. local f = Create 'Frame' {
  107. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  108. Size =,0,1,-50),
  109. }
  110. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  111. TextSize = 20,
  112. Position =,0,0,5),
  113. Parent = f,
  114. TextYAlignment = 'Center',
  115. }
  116. exit.Position =,-50,1,-45)
  117. Menu.Visible = true
  118. ActiveFrame = Menu
  119. return f
  120. TeleportsFrame.Parent = main
  121. local BankIn = CreateButton('Bank (In)', TeleportsFrame)
  122. BankIn.Size =,80,0,30)
  123. JailbreakTp(32,0.715,814, true)
  124. local BankOut = CreateButton('Bank (Out)', TeleportsFrame)
  125. BankOut.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  126. end)
  127. local JailIn = CreateButton('Jail (In)', TeleportsFrame)
  128. JailIn.Size =,80,0,30)
  129. JailbreakTp(-1310, 18, -1658)
  130. local JailOut = CreateButton('Jail (Out)', TeleportsFrame)
  131. JailOut.Size =,80,0,30)
  132. JailbreakTp(-1133, 18, -1355)
  133. local Garage = CreateButton('Garage', TeleportsFrame)
  134. Garage.Position =,335,0,120),10,0,80)
  135. Garage.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  136. end)
  137. local JewelIn = CreateButton('Jewelry (In)', TeleportsFrame)
  138. JewelIn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  139. end)
  140. local JewelOut = CreateButton('Jewelry (Out)', TeleportsFrame)
  141. JewelOut.Size =,115,0,30)
  142. JailbreakTp(142, 18, 1365)
  143. local Crim1 = CreateButton('Crim base 1', TeleportsFrame)
  144. Crim1.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  145. end)
  146. local Crim2 = CreateButton('Crim base 2', TeleportsFrame)
  147. Crim2.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  148. end)
  149. local Donut = CreateButton('Donut Shop', TeleportsFrame)
  150. Donut.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  151. end)
  152. local Gas = CreateButton('Gas Station', TeleportsFrame)
  153. Gas.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  154. end)
  155. local TeleportsBtn = CreateButton('Teleports', MenuLabel)
  156. TeleportsBtn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  157. Menu.Visible = false
  158. end)
  159. local StuffFrame = CreateFrame('Stuff')
  160. local StuffBtn = CreateButton('Stuff', MenuLabel)
  161. StuffBtn.Position = TeleportsBtn.Position +,0,0,40)
  162. StuffFrame.Visible = true
  163. ActiveFrame = StuffFrame
  164. local RemoveDoors = CreateButton('Remove Doors', StuffFrame)
  165. RemoveDoors.Position =,10,0,50)
  166. local doors = workspace:FindFirstChild('Doors')
  167. for i,v in pairs(doors:GetChildren()) do
  168. end
  169. local Platform = CreateButton('Platform', StuffFrame)
  170. Platform.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  171. p.Size =,0.5,30)
  172. p.Position = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +,15,0)
  173. plr.Character:MoveTo(p.Position +,1,0))
  174. while p.Parent do
  175. if (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - p.Position).magnitude > 20 then
  176. end
  177. end)
  178. local Tracers = CreateButton('Tracers: None', StuffFrame)
  179. Tracers.Position =,-150,0,50)
  180. local curr = Tracers.Text:sub(10)
  181. ToggleTracers(curr, false)
  182. local teams = {'None', 'Police', 'Criminal', 'Prisoner'}
  183. for i,v in pairs(teams) do
  184. new = teams[i + 1] or teams[1]
  185. end
  186. ToggleTracers(new, true)
  187. Tracers.Text = 'Tracers: ' . new
  188. local m = plr:GetMouse()
  189. local Btool = CreateButton('Btool: Off', StuffFrame)
  190. Btool.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  191. local status = Btool.Text:sub(8)
  192. local newstatus = status 'On' and 'Off' or status 'Off' and 'On'
  193. BtoolActive = newstatus 'On' and true or newstatus 'Off' and false
  194. local sb ='SelectionBox', workspace.CurrentCamera)
  195. if m.Target then
  196. end
  197. while BtoolActive do
  198. if m.Target then
  199. end
  200. ev:Disconnect()
  201. local sb = workspace.CurrentCamera:FindFirstChildOfClass('SelectionBox')
  202. end
  203. end)
  204. local ClickTpEnabled = false
  205. if ClickTpEnabled and m.Target then
  206. end
  207. local ClickTp = CreateButton('ClickTp: Off', StuffFrame)
  208. ClickTp.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  209. local status = ClickTp.Text:sub(10)
  210. local newstatus = status 'Off' and 'On' or status 'On' and 'Off'
  211. ClickTpEnabled = newstatus 'On' and true or newstatus 'Off' and false
  212. local ind = Create 'Part' {
  213. CanCollide = false,
  214. Size =,0.3,1.2),
  215. Parent = workspace
  216.'CylinderMesh', ind)
  217. local beam = Create 'Part' {
  218. CanCollide = false,
  219. BrickColor = BrickColor.Green(),
  220. BottomSurface = 'Smooth',
  221. Parent = workspace
  222. }
  223. wait()
  224. local humrootpos = plr.Character:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'.Position
  225. local dist = (,0,m.Hit.p.Z) -,0,humrootpos.Z)).magnitude
  226. ind.BrickColor,beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red(),BrickColor.Red()
  227. ind.BrickColor,beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.Green(),BrickColor.Green()
  228. beam.Size =,0.3,dist - 0.5)
  229. beam.CFrame ='HumanoidRootPart'.Position, m.Hit.p) *,0,-dist/2 + 0.5)
  230. ind:Destroy()
  231. end)
  232. local Gravity = CreateButton('Low Gravity', StuffFrame)
  233. Gravity.Size =,130,0,30)
  234. local t = Gravity.Text 'Low Gravity' and true or false
  235. Gravity.Text = t and 'Normal Gravity' or 'Low Gravity'
  236. game:GetService('UserInputService').JumpRequest:connect(function()
  237. game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid':ChangeState('Jumping')
  238. end)
  239. local InfiniteJump = CreateButton('Infinite Jump: Off', StuffFrame)
  240. InfiniteJump.Size =,150,0,30)
  241. InfiniteJump.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  242. local state = InfiniteJump.Text:sub(string.len('Infinite Jump: ') + 1) --too lazy to count lol
  243. local new = state 'Off' and 'On' or state 'On' and 'Off'
  244. InfiniteJump.Text = 'Infinite Jump: ' . new
  245. local ItemsGiver = CreateButton('Items Giver', StuffFrame)
  246. ItemsGiver.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  247. if not workspace:FindFirstChild('Givers') then return end
  248. for i,v in pairs(Giver) do
  249. v.Event:Disconnect()
  250. getmetatable(Giver):Destroy()
  251. Giver = {}
  252. local p ='Part', workspace)
  253. p.CanCollide = false
  254. p.CFrame = plr.Character:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'.CFrame
  255. for i,v in pairs(workspace.Givers:GetChildren()) do
  256. local cd = v:FindFirstChildOfClass'ClickDetector'
  257. local newt = {}
  258. newt.OriginalParent = v
  259. newt.Event = cd.MouseClick:connect(function()
  260. end)
  261. end
  262. spawn(function()
  263. if Giver g then
  264. for i,v in pairs(g) do
  265. v.Event:Disconnect()
  266. getmetatable(g):Destroy()
  267. end)
  268. local BankAutoRobBtn = CreateButton('Bank AutoRob', StuffFrame)
  269. BankAutoRobBtn.Size =,115,0,30)
  270. BankAutoRobBtn.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  271. BankAutoRobBtn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  272. local Bank = workspace:FindFirstChild('Banks'):GetChildren()[1]
  273. if Info.Decal.Transparency 0 then
  274. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  275. Text = 'You need to wait for the bank to open!',
  276. Button1 = 'Dismiss',
  277. return
  278. local bankpos =,0,Info.Position.Z)
  279. local plrpos =,0,root.Position.Z)
  280. if (bankpos - plrpos).magnitude > 150 then
  281. if arg 'Teleport' then
  282. end
  283. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  284. Text = 'You need to get closer to the bank (use tp)',
  285. Button1 = 'Dismiss',
  286. Callback = cb
  287. else
  288. end
  289. SettingsFrame.Parent = main
  290. local Settingsbtn = CreateButton('Settings', MenuLabel)
  291. Settingsbtn.Position = StuffBtn.Position +,0,0,40)
  292. SettingsFrame.Visible = true
  293. ActiveFrame = SettingsFrame
  294. local TpMethodBtn = CreateButton('Teleport Method: 1', SettingsFrame)
  295. TpMethodBtn.Size =,160,0,30)
  296. local curr = TpMethodBtn.Text:sub(string.len('Teleport Method: ') + 1)
  297. local new = curr 1 and 2 or curr 2 and 1
  298. TpMethodBtn.Text = 'Teleport Method: ' . new
  299. ExitBtn.Position = Settingsbtn.Position +,0,0,40)
  300. main:Destroy()
  301. script:Destroy()
  302. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  303. TextColor3 =,0,0),
  304. TextXAlignment = 'Left',
  305. Size =,100,0,100),
  306. Text = 'Bank:nJewelry:',
  307. }
  308. local BankStatus = BankJewelStatus:Clone()
  309. BankStatus.Size =,100,0,100)
  310. BankStatus.Parent = Menu
  311. JewelryStatus.Text = 'Unknown'
  312. JewelryStatus.Position =,59,0,232)
  313. JewelryStatus.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  314. main:TweenPosition(,-200,0.5,-150))
  315. local TransparencyTweens = {}
  316. spawn(function()
  317. local ev = main.MouseEnter:connect(function()
  318. end)
  319. ev:Disconnect()
  320. for i,v in pairs(TransparencyTweens) do
  321. end
  322. for i,v in pairs(main:GetDescendants()) do
  323. local totween = {}
  324. totween.TextTransparency = 0.7
  325. if v.BackgroundTransparency ~= 1 then
  326. end
  327. TransparencyTweens[#TransparencyTweens + 1] = Tween(v, 0.5, totween)
  328. end
  329. main:TweenSize(,400,0,50),nil,nil,nil,true)
  330. end)
  331. for i,v in pairs(TransparencyTweens) do
  332. end
  333. for i,v in pairs(main:GetDescendants()) do
  334. local totween = {}
  335. totween.TextTransparency = 0
  336. if v.BackgroundTransparency ~= 1 then
  337. end
  338. TransparencyTweens[#TransparencyTweens + 1] = Tween(v, 0.5, totween)
  339. end
  340. main:TweenSize(,400,0,300),nil,nil,nil,true)
  341. local DuffelBag = game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):PlayerOwnsAsset(plr, 2219040)
  342. {
  343. Yield = 2,
  344. },
  345. Pos = {29.71, 0.73, 815.25},
  346. Status = 'Opening the vault'
  347. {
  348. Yield = DuffelBag and 50 or 25,
  349. },
  350. Pos = {10, 18, 784},
  351. }
  352. local char = plr.Character
  353. wait()
  354. char:WaitForChild'HumanoidRootPart'.CFrame =
  355. end
  356. function RobTheBank()
  357. Tp(unpack(v.Pos))
  358. end
  359. pcall(function()
  360. local Bank = workspace:FindFirstChild('Banks'):GetChildren()[1]
  361. Info:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Transparency'):Connect(function()
  362. BankStatus.Text = 'Open'
  363. BankAutoRobBtn.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0)
  364. cb.OnInvoke = function(arg)
  365. JailbreakTp(10, 18, 784)
  366. RobTheBank()
  367. end
  368. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  369. Text = 'Bank is ready!',
  370. Button1 = 'Dismiss',
  371. Button2 = (,0,Info.Parent.Position.Z) -,0,plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Z)).magnitude < 150 and 'AutoRob' or 'Teleport',
  372. })
  373. BankStatus.Text = 'Closed'
  374. BankAutoRobBtn.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  375. end)
  376. BankStatus.Text = Info.Transparency 0 and 'Closed' or 'Open'
  377. BankStatus.TextColor3 = Info.Transparency 0 and,0,0) or,1,0)
  378. BankAutoRobBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Info.Transparency 0 and,0,0) or,1,0)
  379. --Jewelry notification--
  380. local Jewelry = workspace:FindFirstChild('Jewelrys'):GetChildren()[1]
  381. Info:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Transparency'):Connect(function()
  382. JewelryStatus.Text = 'Open'
  383. BankStatus.TextColor3 =,1,0)
  384. cb.OnInvoke = function(arg)
  385. JailbreakTp(142, 18, 1365)
  386. end
  387. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  388. Text = 'Jewelry is ready!',
  389. Button1 = 'Dismiss',
  390. Callback = cb
  391. else
  392. JewelryStatus.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  393. end)
  394. JewelryStatus.Text = Info.Transparency 0 and 'Closed' or 'Open'
  395. JewelryStatus.TextColor3 = Info.Transparency 0 and,0,0) or,1,0)

Hack Speed Jailbreak 2018

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Roblox Jailbreak Hacks Free Downloads